Every successful entrepreneur has a story. This is the story of Jeffrey Santulan: a wandering dreamer turned serial entrepreneur and respected visionary.

Jeffrey Santulan didn’t dream of becoming an entrepreneur. He didn’t always envision a future wherein he’d be a successful visionary whose professional life is directly centered in innovative tech. It’d even be fair to say that Santulan didn’t have dreams for the future… not at the start, anyway. As an adolescent, his trajectory was nearly the polar opposite of what it would become in adulthood. A troubled youth, Santulan felt lost, confused and directionless. His future felt bleak… But deep down inside, there was a dormant fire waiting to ignite. Multimillionnaire-extraordinaire Grant Cardone recognized those embers of potential.
Jeffrey Santulan credits Grant Cardone with motivating him to life-changing levels. After meeting Cardone, a young Santulan found himself equipped with the motivation and drive necessary to realize that he possesses true talent and extraordinary potential. It is because of that direct mentorship with Cardone that serial entrepreneur Santulan is able to say that he has established a successful sense of self — and solidified successful businesses from launch.
Upgrade your Mindset: The Power of Positive Thinking
A powerfully motivating component of Jeffrey Santulan’s mentoring guidance from Grant Cardone has been an attention to positive influence and mindset. Through the mentorship, Santulan experienced firsthand the reality of how powerful positive thinking can be. Before embracing an entrepreneurial lifestyle, Santulan felt lost and directionless. And he was stuck in that pit of despair for one main reason: because he told himself that was how he felt. When you tell yourself that you feel a certain way, you will only continue to feel that way. But when you embrace a spark of positivity and adopt a motivational mindset: there’s no limit to your potential.